Friday, September 25, 2009


You're MINE.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Kenna Monster <3

<3Makenna Janae, August 21, 2007<3

My 2-year-old babygirl is such a character! I just love her so much, and nights like tonight, when I get some alone time with her, are sooo much fun. I get to see what a crazy little monster she is, and I absolutely love it. :)

I can't believe how fast she's growing up. It seems like just yesterday she was my tiny little baby.

She has a smile that will brighten your day, no matter what is going on! (trust me!!)

Sometimes, though, she can really live up to her nickname, KennaMonster...

...but then she flashes that grin and dimple,

...and you can't help but to laugh and fall in love with her all over again :)

She is finally out of her crib, and has slept in her new big girl bed 3 nights in row, and has done so well!! I'm so proud of her :)

She has completed my life like I never thought possible, and I am so very thankful for my precious little girl.

I love you Makenna Janae!!!!

Love, Mommy :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bahhh Humbug! .....just kidding. :)

My sister was the first one to mention it, and then last night Kristyn brought it up…and then this morning I read Evonne’s blog…..


(Jaws music playing in the background)

This year has FLOWN by. I think it’s honestly been the fastest year of my life! (Which is OOOOK by me! I’m ready for it to be over :) )

At first I was dreading the holidays this year. I actually shed a tear thinking about them. Last year I was a newly wed planning our first Huggins’ holiday season…we took a family trip to pick out our Christmas tree, we hosted Christmas Eve at our house….Santa left snowy foot prints coming out of the fireplace and the kids opened a huge box to find their very own new cat inside! Last year was what I wanted every year to be like going forward. (minus the cat)

This year, I live in an apartment with barely enough room for the kids and I, let alone a family gathering… this year I don’t know how I’m going to get a tree home in my car, and this year there is no fireplace for Santa to come down.

But, relax, that’s the worst part of this post. Because I decided to make myself a list of why this year, the holidays will be amazing! :)

1. I was sad about having no fireplace, but that’s ONLY because I forgot to remember that Santa has a magic key that fits into ANY door and lets him right in! DUH. Snowy footprints are comin our way!!

2. Small apartment= Inexpensive and EASY to decorate! Woohooo!

3. This year, we get to adopt a Charlie Brown tree!!! We’re basically helping a little runt tree earn his wings and that makes me feel pretty darn good. And plus, small tree= easy to get home, AND less of those annoying pine needles to find around the house throughout the whole next year.

4. I may be single, but instead of being sad about not having a husband to shop for, I suddenly realized that I will get to buy more ridiculous (but super cool) toys for my kids instead, who appreciates presents more anyway! AND…. I won’t get any complaints if I decide to save up some money and buy them something that will make them smile on Christmas morning but will be left in the closet after that until we give it to Goodwill. Because, after all, it’s all about first impressions anyway! Who cares about what happens after that! :)

5. When I coordinate holiday outfits this year, they can be as GIRLY as I want, (and oh they WILL be girly) and I will not have to worry about finding some yucky boy color to blend in and match.

6. Speaking of girly, I just decided that this year, we WILL have the pink themed Christmas tree I’ve always dreamed of. Oh yes we will.

7. No hosting at my house=no crazy hours of cleaning up! Enough said.

8. Kristyn and I decided to bake this year (because we are all down like the economy fo sho) and so we are planning on a PJ-wearing-cookie-baking night with the kids! I’m so excited. Baked goods for everyone instead of gifts, can’t really complain about that!

9. My nephew will be here. I am so stinkin excited I can barely wait!!!!

10. Helloooo....this economy is bringing out the best sales EVERYWHERE...yesssss.:)

11. And last but DEFINITELY not least, when I start to get in one of those yucky moods where I’m about to throw myself a huge pity party, I realize that the thing that will always remain the same every year for the holidays no matter what my situation is, is that I have my babies to hold and my friends and family to love and laugh with and enjoy. And that’s really all I can ever hope for.

The holidays are quickly approaching, and I say... Bring it on!!! :)


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thankful Thursday :)

Last night Maddie came and slept with me on the couch. I didn't get much sleep because she's an all-over-the-place sleeper, but it was so nice to have her there. And then this morning, while I was getting ready for work, Kenna woke up and wanted to go lay with her sissy for a bit. So I laid back down on the couch and cuddled with both of my girls, and for a half a minute it was quiet and comfy...

and perfect.

And then Makenna wanted to play and I realized I was going to be late for work.


Thank you God for my girls. :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lunch Break

Yummmmmmy. :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Got a Feeling

I thought that I was going to get on here and rant and complain.... but I just really can't find those fighting words.

I thank God for another lesson learned. I thank God for letting me listen to my instincts for once and not give up on myself.

And I even thank you, jerk. For a short time I was happy and although it wasn't real, it helped! I feel better, I feel good and I feel strong. I feel sorry as well, but all I can do is hope for the best for your situation.

As for me, I'm back on track to fixing my life and getting somewhere. And it's time to kick it into high gear! I applied for school today! I'm so excited to go back. I'm really going to do it this time, nothing is going to stop me. That 5 year plan.... ohh it's happening. :)

Girls, trust your gut. Even if what you're doing feels great, if you have that one little ounce of "weirdness" it! :)

Psalm 121:

2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;

5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;

8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fresh out of Bible Study.

Ephesians 22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. 24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. 28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. 29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: 30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.